Sunday, November 14, 2010

Welcome to Poopblog

Some people ask me. "PoopMan, why start a blog about your fecal adventures?" The truth of the matter is I am in a public restroom almost daily "handling my business", and almost daily I encounter something that needs to be shared with the world.  The taboo of talking about what goes on in the mens room at the Red Lobster is over! I am going to air out my grievances against the bad and bizarre experiences, and my praises to those establishments that make your #2 their number one priority.
    This all began with one standout incident.  In September of 2010 I had to stop into a Walmart to use the bathroom which I hate.  Walmart to me is a desperation move, but it was the only option I had. My problem with Walmart is mostly a population problem.  The more people means the least likely I'll be able to drop it off in peace, and the more people means that the sanitation will not be "up to snuff" more often than not.  But alas, this day I hit the Walmart jackpot! The mens room was clean, and even more impressive it was vacant!  I chose the studio apartment stall at the end.  I know I'm not handicapped but come on, I want the room.  It was the last stall in a series of 8 stalls. (did i mention this was a super Walmart)
   All of a sudden this other guy wanders in shuffling his feet like a zombie.  I thought to myself "no big deal if he's not here to take a piss then he has plenty of options of stalls to have. And proper mens room etiquette says to pick the stall farthest away from the one in use" NO! he picks the stall right next to mine!  I try to keep calm even though my relaxing experience is now stressful at best.  At this time said invader of space drops trou and sits down.  My stress level raises as this pig begins to make almost death groan noises as he tries to give birth to the bowling ball he had in his colon.  Now I'm in hurry up mode.  I finish, wipe, wash and quickly walk out the door.
    The thought struck me about 20 seconds after i left about starting this blog, because this seems to happen to me way too often.  So, as much as this is an outlet for me to get these stories off my chest. I am also providing a service to share your public restroom story.  Ignore taboo and what is improper to talk about publicly and EMBRACE THE POOPBLOG!

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